Read about Tr3Dent in the
January 2016
In January of 2016 the Independent of Ireland told its readers all about our very own Kevin McCaffrey and the history and progress Tr3Dent has made developing software that brings complex business data to life and makes it far less boring.
AS Kevin told the Independent, for years prior to starting Tr3Dent, he had been asking himself if it was possible to use gaming technology (like used in Xbox) to help people understand complex business data.
“If you put up a spreadsheet or a complex diagram, the first thing people have to do is interpret it. People are lazy and attention spans are getting shorter. So you need to provide that information in an interesting way – and by doing so, people will have a better chance of understanding it.”
Kevin also spoke at length about the tremendous support he’s received since moving back from Cape Town South Africa to his native Ireland, specifically Galway.
Although his Cape Town base was initially an advantage when putting in the groundwork for Tr3Dent, McCaffrey decided to move back to Ireland to set the company up here.
“Being based in Cape Town gave us a channel to present our 3D model at different conferences around the world – and to have discussions with various telcos,” says McCaffrey. “However, to take it further, I realised it wasn’t practical to run a business from Africa when so many of its clients were in Europe.”
So with the high costs of running a business in the nation’s capital, he upped sticks and moved to his native Galway.
McCaffrey works closely with the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) and has recruited a number of its graduates.
“I need resources and resources are at a premium in Ireland. Being able to find graduates who have the right attitude and who are interested in gaming and technology is great. You still have to groom them and develop them – but they have the right skills and it’s a way for me to build a team without having to spend a fortune.”
He describes the support available to start-ups from the likes of Enterprise Ireland as “incredible”.
“Ireland punches well above its weight when it comes to creating an environment that enables start-ups to succeed,” he says. “Comparing the support here to what’s available in South Africa, it’s like chalk and cheese.”
Read the full article here.