Niall O’Gorman – Chief Strategy Officer and Founder of Channel Sight has a personal blog where he publishes a series of Founder Stories based on interviews he conducts with founders and leaders of innovative start-ups like ChannelSight and Tr3Dent.
Niall is so stranger to the plight of start-ups due to his role at ChannelSight ( which is a start-up that has developed a technology to integra
te brand content and retail partners and help a company’s customer move straight from their ad, website, etc. to complete their purchase instantly.
As he speaks with the founders of each business Niall asks a lot of questions about each company, its funding history, the path each leader took to get the company up and running, challenges ahead and more.
Here’s an excerpt from Kevin’s interview:
“So tell me a little about Tr3dent, when was it founded? do you have any co-founders? how did you get the idea?
I founded Tr3dent back in October of 2014. No co-founders, just myself. It’s an interesting story how the idea actually came about, I was managing a large Enterprise Software Programme, and attended a critical meeting between Senior Business Execs and technical managers where the new technical architecture was presented for approval to Business and once the technical slide was shown the entire business audience lost interest and became unfocused – this ultimately caused delays, confusion and miscommunication. When I went home my son was playing on his Xbox and I thought “why does business data have to be so boring and gaming environments so engaging and cool?”
“why does business data have to be so boring and gaming environments so engaging and cool?”
Read the full interview to learn a bit more about Kevin and how Tr3Dent came to be.
Recent interviews also include Pat Carroll, a native of Limerick Ireland and currently working with Bank of Ireland and Daniel Evans & Ed Kniep of GarbShare. You can see more of Niall’s founder stories here.